The rationale of the conference is focused on the dense, obscured interstellar medium (ISM) in distant galaxies. Obscuration is a complex and ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysics that often poses challenges, yet it offers a variety of probes of the properties of the ISM in various bands.
The goal of this conference is to review the different probes of the obscured ISM (such as infrared emission, extinction, and gamma-ray bursts) to constrain its physical properties through the most recent observational results from JWST, ALMA and other facilities and state-of-the-art theoretical approaches, such as numerical simulations.
The conference will take place on 1-5 September 2025 in Ferrara (Italy), World Heritage City of the Renaissance and remarkable cultural landscape. The venue will be the ancient Ferrara University (est. 1391) and its historical buildings.
Registration Fee
Early registration (Deadline: 30 June 2025): 360 euro
Regular registration (Deadline: 25 August 2025): 460 euro
For registration and more information visit: https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/2969/overview