This is a two-day workshop on “Open Research Data Analysis Services”, ORDAS.
The idea is to review existing initiatives on open astronomical and astroparticle research data and ORDAS associated to them, focusing on in-depth discussion and exchange of experiences on ORDAS practices across the astronomical and astroparticle physics community and technologies behind them.
The workshop will bring together relevant actors in the field and interlink diverse efforts and approaches for FAIRification, with a particular focus on the domain of astronomy and astroparticle physics.
The goal of this workshop is to assess complementarities and synergies of different approaches. The workshop program will include an overview talks on existing ORDAS approaches followed by a discussion of possible synergies between them and ideas for future developments (e.g. within European projects like ACME, Euro-Science-Gateway, OSCARS, Astro-ORDAS and other).
There will be also a series of hand-on sessions on usage of existing and creation of new astronomical and astroparticle online data analysis services.
Sponsored by AstroORDAS ORD project.
For registration and more information visit: