The Announcement of Opportunity (AO) 5 approved visits are now available on-line at:
Congratulation to all applicants!
The AHEAD2020 (Integrated Activities for High Energy Astrophysics) project has been funded under the Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructure Program. The AHEAD2020 main goal is to integrate and open research infrastructures for high energy and multi-messenger astrophysics. We offer a wide program of transnational access (TNA) to the best European test and calibration facilities (Call n.1) and access to selected European astronomical institutes and data centres for support in high energy data analysis (Call n.3) and computational astrophysics (Call n.4). Moreover, we offer the possibility for scientists and engineers at all expertise levels to visit European institutes of their choice through our visitor program (Call n.2).

Proposals are peer-reviewed by specific AHEAD2020 selection panels and ranked according to their merit. The access costs for the selected facility or institute will be covered by AHEAD2020 as well as travel costs and daily allowances for the successful applicants.
For more information about the project and the open calls visit: