COSPAR 2022 – 44th Scientific Assembly in Athens – 16-24 July 2022

The mission of the COSPAR Athens 2022 is to deliver a COSPAR Scientific Assembly that reflects, serves and prolongs COSPAR’s prominence, leading role and legacy. COSPAR Athens 2022 provides every means necessary to support COSPAR’s mission to ‘assemble a worldwide community of scientists who are dedicated to international cooperation in space research’.

In particular, COSPAR Athens 2022 SPC and LOC are planning steps to:

  • Increase the attractiveness of COSPAR Scientific Assemblies by streamlining the scientific program, providing opportunities for networking between participants, encouraging and promoting participation, and creating an environment of unencumbered communication between space agencies, companies and entities interested in space research and technology with the global space research community;
  • Deliver an open forum of global scientific interaction and collaboration, free of any geopolitical impediments, tensions or differences;
  • Create a safe, zero-tolerance environment against any discrimination or harassment, as detailed in the generally accepted Code of Conduct;
  • Enhance and facilitate the participation of younger Associates by organizing a range of actions oriented toward or focused on them, by allowing a lower registration fee for students, by setting up a student and young associate meeting point during the Assembly, and by establishing a volunteer program for local students to support, and benefit from, the organization; and
  • Raise awareness within the Greek scientific community, among domestic entities with vested interests in space research and technology, and in the general public on the importance of international collaboration in these subjects and the core benefits of openly accessible top-level science to society’s continuous development and well-being.

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