Thanassis Akylas is a senior scientist in the National Observatory of Athens ( Εθνικόν Αστεροσκοπείον Αθηνών ) in Greece. He is a tutor and instructor in the #AHEAD2020 training activities that include Cross-correlation techniques between X-ray and optical data, source detection techniques and automated spectral extraction for XMM-Newton Satellite and Chandra X-ray Observatory , automated spectral fitting (in #XSPEC) using standard minimization methods and #Bayesian techniques.

How do you describe your journey in astronomy so far? It is an #Odyssey, where the journey counts, not the destination. Ithaca is still far away but the journey most fascinating than ever.
Why did you choose to study #astrophysics? It was the result of the interaction of some inspiring people with my personal sense of #romanticism.
Do you have a favorite scientific #theory? The Event Horizon Telescope (@ehtelescope) — a planet-scale array of eight ground-based #radio telescopes forged through international collaboration — was designed to capture images of a black hole. #EHT researchers have succeeded in producing the first direct visual evidence of a supermassive black hole and its shadow. The image reveals the #blackhole at the centre of #Messier87, a massive #galaxy in the nearby #Virgo galaxy cluster.
Why is AHEAD2020 important to you? AHEAD2020 activities provide the opportunity to collaborate and interact with students and scientists from different countries and transform national efforts in high-energy astrophysics to a stronger network.
What is the best word describing #astronomy? “#Fantasy“