Fabian Schüssler is a researcher at the “Institute of research into the fundamental laws of the universe” (IRFU / CEA Paris-Saclay) where he works on multi-messenger searches mainly with high-energy gamma-ray observatories like HESS Telescopes and Cherenkov Telescope Array.

How do you describe your journey in astronomy so far I received my Ph.D. in physics from the University of Karlsruhe (now Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany) in 2008 for the first measurement of the energy spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic rays using hybrid data from the Pierre Auger Observatory. In 2009 I moved to #IRFU / CEA Paris-Saclay joining the #ANTARES neutrino telescope and in 2012 the #HESS and #CTA high-energy gamma-ray observatories. I am leading searches for transient, multi-messenger phenomena across multiple instruments.
Why did you choose to study astrophysics I got attracted by the field of astroparticle physics as it is enormously broad (thus never gets boring) and allows to combine fundamental particle physics with astrophysical phenomena.
Do you have a favorite scientific theory “#GW170817”: a single event bringing decades of work in both theory and observational techniques to fruition. The wealth of information (and new questions!) that originate from this single event is just fabulous.
Why is #AHEAD2020 important to you AHEAD2020 is important to me as it allows to foster collaborations with a large and diverse group of colleagues and allows me to fully implement an idea that I had been slowly advancing for a few years: the development of a novel high-level framework for monitoring transient, multi-messenger activity in the sky called Astro-COLIBRI (https://astro-colibri.com/).
What is the best word for you describing astronomy “Exploration”